
PyOpenCAP supports an interface with the Q-Chem quantum chemistry package.

Importing data

System object

The geometry and basis set can be imported into a System object using .fchk files.

import pyopencap
sys_dict = {"molecule": "qchem_fchk","basis_file": "path/to/qc.fchk"}
my_system = pyopencap.System(sys_dict)

CAP object Densities can be read in from .fchk files, and the zeroth order Hamiltonian can be read from Q-Chem output files for EOM-CC calculations. To export the full densities to .fchk, GUI=2 must be set in the $rem card, and PROJ_CAP=3 must be set in the $complex_ccman card. See the Q-Chem manual for more details.

The following snippet can be used to read the data from a Q-Chem output and properly formatted .fchk file, and calculate the CAP matrix:

cap_dict = {"cap_type": "box",
            "Radial_precision": "14",
            "angular_points": "110"}
nstates = 10
pc = pyopencap.CAP(my_system,cap_dict,nstates)
# read in densities
    es_dict = {"method" : "eom",
               "package": "qchem",
# save the zeroth order Hamiltonian for later use
h0 = pc.get_H()

Generate and analyze eigenvalue trajectories

H0 and W, or the CAP object can be used to construct a CAPHamiltonian object.

from pyopencap.analysis import CAPHamiltonian
CAPH = CAPHamiltonian(H0=H0,W=W_mat)
# equivalently
CAPH = CAPHamiltonian(pc=pc)

Additionally, Q-Chem (starting from version 5.4) natively implements Projected CAP-EOM-CC and Projected CAP-ADC methods, and prints the necessary matrices to the output. PyOpenCAP can parse these output files to generate CAPHamiltonian objects.

from pyopencap.analysis import CAPHamiltonian
CAPH = CAPHamiltonian(output="proj-eomcc.out",irrep="B2g")
CAPH = CAPHamiltonian(output="proj-adc.out",onset="3000")

See the analysis section for more details.